The Adventures of Ville and Visiting Santa's Village Christmas Magazine

Comics artist Jyrki Mäki, November 2017 and dramaturge Jukka Heinänen, October 2017, Ii, Startti group home.

The Adventures of  Ville

When something is broken or misplaced in Startti, the culprit is known immediately: It is Ville, the imaginary pet piggy of Startti! Dramaturge Jukka Heinänen and comics artist Jyrki Mäki became well acquainted with Ville during their social art residencies. The results included a short Christmas-themed film and comics that were published in the Iin Iloinen Viesti magazine.

Visiting Santa’s Village Christmas Magazine

Christmas was already in the air at Startti in October and November!  During the residencies of Jukka Heinänen and Jyrki Mäki, the story of an Eskimo who gets lost in the Arctic Circle was developed around the table at Startti. Each participant could contribute to the creation in a way that best suited them: one was focusing on the writing, while others worked collectively on the illustration for the story.


Photos: Martu Väisänen, Jyrki Mäki


Jukka Heinänen
Dramaturge Jukka Heinänen is currently employed by the Oulu Theatre. In addition to his work at professional theatres, he has also worked as a teacher in various educational institutions and participated in many projects applying artistic methods in other areas of life.
Jyrki Mäki
Comics and visual artist Jyrki Mäki is known as the singer and one of the primary lyricists of the band Radiopuhelimet. He has published three graphic novels: Hermolomamatka (Like 2011), Kiskoja (Like 2014) and Musta lipas (Like 2016). He also draws comics for the Mun Oulu and Rantapohja papers.

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